About the Author

Steven H. Berman, Ph.D. started his career as a psychologist by providing paradoxical treatments for dangerous and psychiatrically impaired inmates in a maximum-security prison. He subsequently worked for 32 years in a premier forensic state hospital, treating the criminally insane by similar and newly created methods.
Dr. Berman provided expert witness court testimony in high-profile felony cases, sharing his interventions with the court, and applying them to counter-challenging attorneys for the benefit of his patients. In addition to these settings, he helped many outpatients using these methods and was sought out to evaluate the danger risk of participants on several well-known reality TV shows.
Dr. Berman has a unique flair for documenting his approaches to treatment. His dedication to his patients contributed to him winning multiple awards personally presented by the Director of State Hospitals and the Director of the Department of Mental Health in the state where he provided forensic treatment services. The unnamed hospital and prison, the names of the patients, and other personal information about the cases have been changed, only in this case to protect the guilty!